- Home
- Starting
- Volunteers
- On Air
- Management
- Money
- Community
- Social Media
- Introduction to social media
- Setting up successful social media profiles
- Increasing engagement through social media
- Developing a social media policy
- Developing a social media strategy
- Evaluating your social media presence
- Using social media to raise revenue
- Social media and the law
- Social media case studies
- Training
- Health
- About us
- Audience
Welcome to Health FM. This section is all about how community radio stations can engage with their communities and bring about health benefits to their listeners.
In this section:
Community radio and health
How community radio can deliver health benefits
Health FM
An overview of the Health FM project
Intro to health partnerships
A guide to Health Partnerships for Community Radio. A report written by Claire Tomkinson....
Social Prescribing & community radio
An overview of social prescribing and opportunities for the community radio sector
Case studies
Case studies carried out as part of Health FM
Health and community radio in UK
Who's doing what in UK...
Health jargon buster
Getting your head around the terms and acronyms